What are Wonder Crew Buddies?

Wonder Crew Buddies are 15- inch dolls that come friendship and adventure ready. 
Think, action figure (but bigger and more relatable) meets the teddy bear that cannot be left behind.

Will there be other Wonder Crew Buddies?

From race to gender, Wonder Crew aims to ultimately represent all kids. 

How did we come up with our first adventures?

Initially, we interviewed over 150 parents, kids, educators and toy industry experts to determine the most popular pretend play scenarios chosen by preschool boys. We paid close attention to parent and child comments during our Kickstarter campaign back in 2015.  AND we've been taking notes from our customers ever since!  Long story short, our adventures are based on customer feedback.  Want to see more adventures? Please write to us at info@wondercrew.com. 

Will there be more adventures?

Absolutely!  Our motto is “Go anywhere.  Be anything.” and we will be working to make that a reality.  

Why do boys need toys like Wonder Crew?

Studies show that strong relationships and the ability to connect are key to happiness, health and even career success. Yet boys grow up with cultural messages that tell them feelings and relationships make them weak. Wonder Crew brings emotional connection into boys’ play – because it's time to address the developmental needs of the whole child and move beyond stereotypes.